Monday 12 March 2012

186 . Magna Carta Island

Looking out across a field ,the Cabin Boy said ”It’s hard to believe that the bit of grass over there is what we have to be thankful for” The Captain and the First mate looked at each other expressionless and wondered what drugs the Boy had been on. The First mate asked “had he been on the magic mushrooms again “and the Captain added “More likely glue sniffing if you ask me”.
“No listen to me “said the Captain Boy. Being a true socialist,” That’s where it all happened and us old boys should be graceful, Magna Carta you know”.” Pray tell us about it Billy Boy “retorted the First mate.
“Well the King, that’s King Johnny One,  was getting too big for his boots and the Barons  wanted to take some of his powers away so they made him sign this piece of paper which basically consisted of about thirty  odd laws which the King would govern. .It’s a bit like today you know. But the king is like the Prime Minster  today putting  up the taxes to extortionate levels, thinking  he is  above the Pope in pecking order ,  realising that the  law is  an ass  and then trying  to make things good by the introduction of some more stupid laws and finally  not providing  value for money , and  making sure  that the value people get varies  from place to place to ensure that they don’t lose votes.
The next time I attend any public meeting concerning changes I don’t like “I’ll just shout out, “Don’t forget Magna Carta” and see what reaction it gets “said The First Mate”
The most exciting things we saw on the fields of Magna Carta were a couple of very wet canoeists and two discarded packets of Cheese and Onion flavoured crisps.

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