Friday, 5 November 2010

78. Grills galore

There is a chain of pubs owned by JD Wetherspoon that provide the choice and value, in both food and drink. Both of these encourage the hungry and thirsty boat person to become more self-indulgent and Big Ol’ Boys such as Phil can really “fill their boots “in both the drinking and eating departments by a factor of two compared to more slimmer personages such as the much shorter Jimmy and hence more dense and the much taller but less dense Billy.
The Swan and Castle in Castle Street, Oxford is one of these establishments selling a range of real ales often at half price compared to conventional public houses, in essence even those of a most modest purse can easily get pissed in such a place.

The mixed grill and the even larger mixed, are indeed of such gastronomical proportions that they are not suitable for personages of a delicate disposition who don’t like seeing a plateful of dead animals adorning their plates.

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