Wednesday, 3 November 2010

75. Botanists

Whoever said “that flowers are boring” was probably untrue, what they should have said was “that people who study such wonderful creations of nature are”.
After tramping around Oxford like headless chickens for an hour or so,  we eventually espied a suitable establishment in which to we could wet  our whistles .These days we doubt if the average school boy or girl either possess one or knows how to use such a long standing toy, instrument of salvation  or item of annoyance.
Fiona was the “voice” and Mike “was the brain with a leaning towards all creatures green”. Apparently they were a double act. Fiona  told us that they were “Doing the Introduction  and “Speak” to Botany classes in the Extra-Mural Department of The University of Oxford , while unassuming Mr. or probably Dr.Mike , was the botanist on hand to confirm the guide’s lack of knowledge in all matters green, growing and accounting for over half a million organisms. Prior to studying plant life, Mike being slightly deaf due to being a rampant pudding puller when a youngster, heard orgasms instead of organisms, and embarked with gusto on a botanical career.

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