Thursday, 4 November 2010

76. Lost i-phone

Hi-tech products often attract a high price premium. This is because the Japanese, the N/S Koreans and Taiwanese have learnt how to circumvent patent law to their advantage and copy all of our products. We cannot think of a single invention that these countries have invented during the technological advancement of our society in general.
True the Japanese did invent Prisoner of War Camps, the Koreans did invent the Loss of Human Rights and the Taiwanese did invent the art of plagerurism in the physical sense by learning how to copy and manufacture everything, without the use of a single brain cell and the investment of a single cent.
Such a high value article was left  charging in the men’s room at the aforesaid mentioned pub by 
a certain person who’s Christian name is found between the 1st and 3rd letters of the alphabet .Unnecessarily panic ensued and the  missing iPhone was found intact, and we wonder why. There was not a single Eastern European or DHSS sponger within ear-shot and why? Because there are still some pubs that have standards and one of these is honesty. Long live the Duke’s Cut in Oxford.

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