Saturday 21 January 2012

166. Tattoos and, the Girl with the Chilli Peppers Tattoo

None  of the crew have tattoos so far and the Captain had promised himself that by the time he was fifty he would have grown a ponytail, had his ear pierced so that he could adorn himself with an earring and finally would have  a tattoo .However now at sixty years of age, he is follicly   challenged  and wouldn’t have  been able to grow a ponytail even if he tried and having a fear of needles,  any holes punctured into his skin would cause the most severe of nightmares, he however is thinking of having one devoted to his wife , comprising of a black pussy  with pink eyes wearing a pink collar.
The First Mate thoroughly endorsed the no-tattoo policy by adding “I’m not growing my hair to look like a girl and I’m certainly not gonna wear an ear ring like some middle aged poofter.
Just look at the people who have tattoos said Billy the Cabin Boy. “People who cannot express their individuality through productive means for want of the mental and/or creative capacity.”  Who do you mean then Billy Boy?” the First Mate asked “ Oh weirdos, druggies, peasants, thickos, permanently unemployed, social security spongers, idiots, drunks, chain smokers, rebels and people who could never be cool as long as they had a hole in their arse!”
“Don’t hold back Billy said the Captain “You’ve forgotten a few “ “OK “ Billy said “Unmarried mothers, army deserters, traffic wardens, butch lesbians, bouncers and people with short dicks, the dyslexics and the criminally insane.”I’m sure you’ve forgotten to mention even more “said the First Mate.
The Captain the related his story about the girl with a tattoo he met in a café in Sennen Cove, Cornwall.
“I was sitting having a cup of tea, with my wife and daughter in the café on the beach at Sennan Cove and I noticed that she had a tattoo on her forearm with words on it, on reading it I couldn’t help myself and started to giggle. The girl’s tattoo was obviously self-penned for it was supposed to say “I love Denis”, but she had obviously had an unsteady hand and the letter D had run and it read “I love Penis”. The Captain thought about his children and alikened them to tattoos, permanent reminders that he had achieved the purpose of his existence on this planet…yes procreation.

Just as we were approaching Kingston, The First Mate spotted a young woman in a pair of 365 Levis on the tow path, and said “Look over there, at that girl with the very pert bum. Billy turned around over to see the girl, probably in her mid-twenties approaching a hot dog stand on the river bank. The girl, obviously heard the First Mate’s remarks and the crew could hardly believe their eyes when she raised her blouse slightly above her hips to reveal a pair of chili pepper tattoos, artistically created and tastefully placed in the small of her back. “Not all tattoos are bad like those   chili peppers” said Billy, to which the First Mate added “Hot stuff eh Billy

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